Letter from Jan and Durl Kruse protesting to the FCC of the WICD/Sinclair Broadcasting license renewal.
Informal objection to license renewal August 2, 2005
Station call sign: WICD (Channel 15)
City and State: Champaign, Illinois
Station facility Identification number: 25684
License renewal application file number: BMPCDT 2004 1215AAN
Modify Permit: BPCDT 19991 029AHL
We felt compelled to write an informal letter of complaint regarding the license renewal process for our "local" television station Channel 15 WICD located in the Urbana - Champaign Illinois viewing area
Some time during the past 2 years we became painfully aware of the segment included on WICD's evening news broadcast called THE POINT with Mark Hyman. We were surprised that he was able to voice an unopposed point of view each broadcast. No serious attempt is made to offer any alternate points of view. There was little doubt that THE POINT was being used as a campaign forum during the 2004 presidential election. We contacted the station and were informed by Mr. Gary Hackler station manager that this was all legal. However, we could write to the station owners in Baltimore Maryland or listen for the Friday Mail Bag to find that the opposing views are given a chance to be heard when Hyman pulls a chosen letter from his mail bag. During the Mailbag Events the viewing public is also given the Hyman rebuttal to this viewers abbreviated and written request for balance. Thus Hyman always gets the last word.
Finding it a frightening prospect that this local station is dominated by a right wing agenda that is also an agenda from corporate offices in another state, we found ourselves looking for a way to bring a balance of voices to our local news station. Needles to say we had a lot to learn. Media consolidation, corporate ownership, and deregulation were all topics about which we as ordinary citizens were not fully informed.
Others in our community were likewise concerned. As we talked to friends and neighbors we realized that our local media was sadly not offering a local perspective with the Hyman commentary and that this frightening takeover of our public airwaves was all legal and out of local community control.
We joined others to protest the Sinclair attempt to broadcast Stolen Honor by the Swift Boat Veteran. We joined fellow community member last October to picket the local Channel 15 television station and tried to present petitions in opposition to not only Stolen Honor's showing, but also the continuing WICD presentation of THE POINT by Mark Hyman. Station manager Hackler refused to accept the petitions in person that day and our group spokes-person made a number of attempts to meet with him to discuss the community support for presenting opposing points of view on Channel 15.
All our efforts along this line have come to no avail. We continue to hold petitions with 100's of local signatures opposing WICD and Channel 15.
We have proceeded to go to the station to view the public interest files and to take note of the large file regarding letters of complaint about the Sinclair corporate ownership policies and the impact these policies are having on our local community.
We understand that Channel 15 is meeting most legal requirements of the FCC regulations. However, we object to their resistance to accept and respond to public concerns and their lack of local input. At this time we wish to submit this informal letter of complaint and restate our request for a weekly 90-second local response to the Mark Hyman segment that WIDC has previously rejected. We also feel obligated to boycott and no longer patronize companies that do business with Channel 15. We continue to join with fellow community members to become better informed about the impact locally of corporate media and how it has come to dominate the public interest. The Sinclair broadcasting policy enforced by WICD is not in the best interest of our local community.
We understands that the way the current laws are written Sinclair and Channel 15 WICD appear to be operating within the law. However, by submitting an informal letter of complaint we want to restate our position that the way in which this station is operating in our community may be meeting most FCC regulations, but WICD is also doing irrevocable harm to our local community as well as our democracy. Channel 15 has failed to operate in the best interest of the entire community by not allowing alternative or opposing viewpoints an opportunity to be heard.
We are hopeful that as the FCC reviews WICD Channel 15's License for continued operation this letter of informal complaint will be attached as corroborating evidence that many local voices and points of view are not being included. To our dismay what we originally thought was local media is in reality, media owned by large a corporation that is not even a part of our community.
Our personal response has been to look elsewhere for information regarding our community. We know that to be fully informed we have to find sources other than information provided by a corporate media owned many states away from Illinois. Sadly we find that to be better informed we must turn off Channel 15 WICD and ignore Mark Hyman. However, his right wing unopposed positions continue to misinform and under inform our community and abuse the public trust. We also find it objectionable that Sinclair Broadcasting and WICD continues to misuse our public airways in an attempt to sell products with less community accountability.
Please consider this informal complaint as you undertake the license renewal process of Baltimore Maryland's Sinclair owned Channel 15 WICD's license to operate on the airways that enter the residences of viewers in the Urbana Champaign viewing area. We are hopeful that the FCC will keep in mind the public and local community's objections to this Sinclair owned station as the FCC seeks to renew the operating licenses for WICD Channel 15 television station. We look to the FCC to provide leadership and oversight on behalf of the public interest. Help us reintroduce a diversity of local voices into our "local" media and enable our democracy to prevail.
Please reconsider the renewal of WICD Channel 15 until the best interests of our community are served.
Jan Kruse
Durl Kruse
2007 S. George Huff Drive
Urbana, Illinois 61801
cc: WIDC Station Manager: Gary Hackler
cc: VOBA Volunteers for a Better America: Dan Brady