As the DeLay, Abramoff, and Libbey (Cheney/Bush) scandals are more exposed each day, it may be worth going back a few months to a relevation late last year about one of the big "grassroots" lobbying organizations that support DeLay priorities. This article from the Washington Post pointed out the lack of grassroots in the U.S. Family Network, which was funded almost entirely through its connections with Jack Abramoff.
[T]he steady stream of corporate payments detailed on the donor list makes it clear that Abramoff's long-standing alliance with DeLay was sealed by a much more extensive web of financial ties than previously known...
The records, other documents and interviews call into question the very purpose of the U.S. Family Network, which functioned mostly by collecting funds from domestic and foreign businesses whose interests coincided with DeLay's activities while he was serving as House majority whip from 1995 to 2002, and as majority leader from 2002 until the end of September.
Now that Abramoff's corrupt enterprise has been exposed and DeLay is resigning from the House, can we expect these kinds of activities to stop? This Congress has not even been able to investigate a president who admits disobeying the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act designed to reign in out-of-control executive power. It appears that the administration may be conducting purely domestic surveillance, based on Gonzalez' most recent attempts to justify the legality of such surveillance if it were to be conducted. I suspect it will take a real House cleaning that replaces the current group with people who will take their responsibilities in the check-and-balance system more seriously.
The records, other documents and interviews call into question the very purpose of the U.S. Family Network, which functioned mostly by collecting funds from domestic and foreign businesses whose interests coincided with DeLay's activities while he was serving as House majority whip from 1995 to 2002, and as majority leader from 2002 until the end of September.
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Posted by: Anahi | September 25, 2010 at 02:57 AM