The March on DC involved many people from all over the country. Nick Mann has his photos displayed here.
One of the most moving stories was Cody's, an eleven-year-old who sat behind me on the bus trip. Cody had found out about the anti-war march and decided that he had to take action. He talked his mom into making the trip, and brought along a friend as well. Here's a photo of Cody Bralt-Kelly and his friend Micaela at the rally. (You can right click on the pictures to enlarge them.)
Ken Yates shared several of the pictures he took of the rally early on, showing the many different posters and costumes that protestors wore to make their point about the ignominy of war.
Chuck Minne got a good shot showing the support for the anti-war movement from all across the spectrum.
And Ireka Carney took several photos of the crowd.