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The commenter below (for some reason this comment got posted above the related comment) misses the pointof the VoBA posting by claiming that the people we have detained for years in military prisons outside the United States may face less comfortable futures in their own home countries or in Iraq or Afghanistan if we now turn them over to authorities there. Possible bad treatment by others (including the Iraqi and Afghanistan governments that we have put in place during our military occupation of those countries) doesn't justify violation of the Geneva War Conventions and U.S. constitutional requirements for due process by us. We claim to be a nation that understands and appreciates genuine freedom and we claim to be standing as a model to others. We cannot then continue to violate international agreements about appropriate treatment of military prisoners nor our own standards about what constitutes torture. At this point, we have many prisoners that we have captured at gunpoint in their own homes and have held for years on mere suspicion of illegal activity. We have finally released some held for more than 2 years, acknowledging their innocence. This is not the behavior of a country that values the rule of law, but rather is behavior that mimics the despotism of countries that we want to change to value the rule of law!

Ad hominen attacks ("stop whining, suck it up, and get a job") are completely out of place in a rational discussion about the abuses committed by our country. They tend to be inaccurate, misplaced, and irrelevant, as yours is. They add nothing to the debate at issue. And they distract from the real concerns that should be discussed, namely why this country claims to stand for the rule of law but fails to abide by its own rules of law. The current Administration has publicly and explicitly espoused the right of the person occupying the office of President to disobey any law that he chooses. That is not the rule of law, but is close to outright dictatorship. Congress must hold the Administration accountable.


I got an idea, send the prisoners to Iraq and Afghanistan and let those governments take care of them. My guess is that they will see real torture there and not be able to gain an average of 18 pounds during their stay. Or send them all back to their country of origin...but wait, those countries don't want them and would probably kill them. That would really upset my sensitive liberal heart. These are prisoners of war. We did not release any German or Japanese prisoners we took during WWII until after the conflict and after they had been tried for war crimes. Stop whining, suck it up, and get a job.

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